Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine

 Although much has changed over the past decades, the concept for and the purpose of the book remain the same—to provide an all-encompassing, state-of-the-art review of dermatology and to describe the biologic basis for diseases of the skin. Although DIGMis truly encyclopedic, it has been edited with the goal of making the entire text easily readable and useful.The 280 chapters are grouped into 37 sections covering all aspects of the science and clinical care of the skin in health and disease. Fifty new contributors have participated in this edition, many of the chapters are completely new, and a large number of the others have been completely rewritten. Disorders thought to be of only historic importance, such as anthrax and variola, are now central to our twenty-first century world; they are discussed both as dermatologic diseases and as potential agents of mass destruction. Our understanding of disease and pathophysiology has led to novel therapeutic agents such as botulinum toxin, which has proven to be of value in many diverse situations. Thus, the sixth edition of Dermatology in General Medicine clearly reflects the complexities and the great potential of our age. Since complete integration of the basic and clinical sciences is the DIGMsignature, many new approaches to the biology, structure, and function of the skin are offered in detail. We have introduced a new section on evidence-based dermatology and have expanded the portion of the text dealing with dermatologic changes through the stages of life. Essentially all of the illustrative material is now in full color, and charts and diagrams have been redrawn for ease of interpretation. The therapeutic sections have all been updated to encompass the most recently introduced types of  biologic therapy. The progress that has been made in dealing with HIV infection, the scourge of our generation, is clearly described.

format : pdf
size     : 44 Mb


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