Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Braunwald's Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 9th ed, 2012

Advances in cardiovascular science and practice continue at a breathtaking rate. As the knowledge base expands, it is important to adapt our learning systems to keep up with progress in our field. We are pleased to present the ninth edition of Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine as the hub of an ongoing, advanced learning system designed to provide practitioners, physicians-in-training, and students at all levels with the tools needed to keep abreast of rapidly changing scientific foundations, clinical research results, and evidence-based medical practice.

In keeping with the tradition established by the previous editions of Braunwald's Heart Disease, the ninth edition covers the breadth of cardiovascular practice, highlighting new advances and their potential to transform the established paradigms of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We have thoroughly revised this edition to keep the content vibrant, stimulating, and up-to-date. Twenty-four of the 94 chapters are entirely new, including nine chapters that cover topics not addressed in earlier editions. We have added 46 new authors, all highly accomplished and recognized in their respective disciplines. All chapters carried over from the eighth edition have been thoroughly updated and extensively revised. This edition includes nearly 2500 figures, most of which are in full color, and 600 tables. We have continued to provide updated sections on current guidelines recommendations that complement each of the appropriate individual chapters.

Format : chm
Size     :  78.3 Mb


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