The fourth edition of Valvular Heart Disease: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease follows the format of the previous edition. The initial section focuses on basic principles, epidemiology, mechanisms of disease, and diagnostic methods. This is followed by a second section covering aortic valve disease and a third covering mitral valve disease. The final section discusses diverse topics including intraoperative echocardiography, right-sided valve disease, endocarditis, prosthetic valves, and management of valvular heart disease during pregnancy. Among the many enhancements found in the fourth edition are the four new chapters that open the basic principles section. These include a chapter on the global epidemiology of valvular heart disease by Drs. John Chambers and Ben Bridgewater, two entirely new chapters on the molecular mechanisms of calcific valve disease by Dr. Jordan Miller, and a chapter on the clinical, cellular, and genetic risk factors for calcific valve disease by Drs. Kevin O’Brien and David Owens. Drs. Roberto Lang, Wendy Tsang, and Benjamin Freed have together written a superb new chapter on the three-dimensional anatomy of the mitral and aortic valves; this chapter includes insights gleaned from their experience with the three-dimensional imaging of these structures.
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