Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Atlas of Functional Shoulder Anatomy, 2008

Functional Anatomy of the Shouldergives the shoulder surgeon a fresh look and feel for shoulder anatomy. The endless energy and the inquisitive nature that characterise Dr. Di Giacomo and his team are evident in every dissection and image in this book. His meticulous dissections and crisp photography give
the reader a clear insight into the functional anatomical relationships of this elegant piece of machinery
called the shoulder. He shows us how the stabilization and movement muscles provide power and motion
and how it is that the ligament changes, which send signals to the brain, masterfully regulate the freedom
of movement we enjoy throughout our lives with a minimal amount of pain and problems. The discerning clear photography of clean dissections gives new life to anatomical structures.

Format : pdf
Size     : 13.6 Mb


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