Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Neurobehavioral Anatomy 3rd ed

In this, the third edition of Neurobehavioral Anatomy, the reader will immediately note several more notable changes. While still not a big book, this volume is larger than its predecessors, and the content has been substantially modified. Every chapter has been thoroughly revised to reflect new developments, and  more  depth  has  been  added  to  elaborate  on  what  was  originally  a  series of expanded lecture notes. I did not wish to restructure the organization, as I believe the original topics are all still worthy of their inclusion in the table of contents, but each chapter has been updated to discuss new knowledge that has appeared in the last several years. These advances include both data from new technologies that permit a closer look at the brain as it mediates behavior and a number of shifts in emphasis and nuance that occur as thinking in the field moves briskly along. It is, in fact, thrilling to witness the rapidly changing and vigorous  subspecialty  of  behavioral  neurology  working  with  its  collaborative disciplines to reveal with ever greater clarity the rich tapestry of brain-behavior relationships.

Format : pdf
Size     : 2.8 Mb
Year   : 2011

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