Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Physiology Demystified

‘‘Which comes first – the chicken, or the egg?’’ This book is about the ‘‘chicken’’ –human physiologyor living bodyfunctions. (The process of laying an egg is an aspect of chicken physiology, after all!) Its close companion, ANATOMY DEMYSTIFIED, is all about the ‘‘egg’’ – human anatomy or bodystructure. (An unhatched egg is an example of anatomy.) PHYSIOLOGY DEMYSTIFIED is for people who want to get acquainted with the fundamental concepts of human body function, without having to take a formal course. But it can also serve as a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home-schooling environment. In addition, it should be useful for career changers who need to refresh their knowledge of the subject. I recommend that you start at the beginning of this book and work straight through.

Format : pdf
Size     : 12.2 Mb
Year    : 2004

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