Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine and Sacrum 4th, 2005

The  timing  of this  fourth  edition  is  perfect, for now we  have  reached  the  age  of  'minimally  invasive' procedures  used  to  treat  pain generators  of  the  spine. Chapters  on  disc  pain  and  posterior  element pain stress  not  only  the  anatomy  of  these  structures  but  also  review  the  pathophysiology  of  the degenerative process  and  its  relationship  to  pain.  More importantly.  these chapters stress what biomechanical changes  may  occur  as  a  result  of  doing  destructive procedures. After  reading  the fourth edition  in  preparing  to write  this  Foreword,  1  a,m  humbled  by  how  much 1 have learned (or  how much I  have forgotten)  about the basic  anatomy  and  biomechanics  of  the  lumbar  spine and  sacrum.  I found  myself  learning  and  relearning many  things  I  could  apply  on  a  daily  basis  to  my practice of spinal interventions  and pain management.

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Current Clinical Urology : Cancer and Sexual Health, 2011

In the twenty-first century, while cancer is endemic, so too is the survival of the cancer patient. It is well recognized that the diagnosis of cancer represents a major stressor in a person’s life. Add to this the common treatments for cancer and one can see the potential for a negative effect of cancer on a person’s sexual health. Increasingly, patients are winning their battle with cancer and are surviving long periods of time. We see daily in practice patients with cancer of the testis, prostate, breast colon, and hematologic malignancies.  So,  the  concept  of  survivorship  has  become  increasingly important to cancer clinicians. Survivorship has become a medical specialty itself and refers to the focus not just on curing cancer, but also dealing with the consequences of the diagnosis and treatment of that cancer. It has been recognized that for many cancer survivors, sexual function represents a significant concern. I hope this book will help you in the management of the survivorship issues of your patients.

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Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

Mayo Clinic Cardiology Concise Textbook Third Edition, 2007

It has been a great honor to oversee the publication of this, the third, edition of Mayo Clinic Cardiology: Concise Textbook(formerly titled Mayo Clinic Cardiology Review). Large textbooks are never the work of one or two individuals but rather the product of a team of dedicated professionals, as has been the case for this book. This textbook from a single institution was written by a diverse faculty of more than 100 cardiologists from more than 17 countries.
This textbook is primarily a teaching and learning textbook of cardiology rather than a reference textbook. In response to welcome feedback from readers of our two previous textbook editions, we have maintained a relatively large typeface to make the textbook easily readable and have avoided the temptation to reduce the font size to increase content. Newer electronic search modalities have made textbook references less timely and we have deleted most chapter references and all multiple-choice questions to save space.
This textbook is designed to present the field of cardiology in a reader-friendly format that can be read in about 12 months. Many small cardiology textbooks are bare-bones compilations of facts that do not explain the fundamental concepts of cardiovascular disease, and many large cardiology textbooks are voluminous and describe cardiology in great detail. Mayo Clinic Cardiology: Concise Textbookis designed to be a bridge between these approaches. We sought to present a solid framework of ideas with sufficient depth to make the matter interesting yet concise, aimed specifically toward fellows in training or practicing clinicians wanting to update their knowledge. The book contains 1,400 figures, 483 of which are color photographs to supplement the text. Teaching points and clinical pearls have been added to make the textbook come alive and challenge the reader.

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Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography, 2006

Color Doppler echocardiography is the cornerstone of current diagnostic cardiology, facilitating targeted treatment by providing a wealth of functional data and information on morphologic changes. Learning how to use this fascinating tool, however, is complicated by the small size of the acoustic windows as well as the confusing number of imaging planes transecting the heart. The aim of this Echo-Guide is to make learning more accessible for the beginner.

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The American Society of Echocardiography : Guideline Reference Book, 2005

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Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders Fourth Edition, 2008

This book is now in its fourth edition. The first edition appeared in print in 1980. Each edition since then has provided a contemporary update of the growth of understanding of pulmonary disease and of the management of its clinical manifestations. Advances have been made in leaps and bounds. A 2006 review (Lopez et al.) summarized the impressive progress made in three key subsets of pulmonary medicine, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and critical care medicine.

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Size     :  98.9

Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 8th ed. 2008

As readers approach this Eighth edition, they will immediately appreciate our radical change in book design, with vibrant cover art and pages in full color to enhance visual appeal and illustration clarity. Despite growth in knowledge, we have beseeched authors to adhere to strictly assigned length limitations and to emphasize literature published since 1990, since older references are readily available in cited reviews and previous editions. As a result, overall book length is less than the previous edition, despite growing from 66 to 70 chapters. To more effectively integrate the ever-enlarging knowledge base in renal physiology, pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis and therapeutics, we have also initiated a radical reorganization of the textbook into 12 sections, each distinguished by separate color code. This is the first such reorganization since publication of the First edition in 1976. Of the 70 chapters, one-fourth are entirely new titles, one-fourth have been completely revised by newly invited authors and for the remaining half each chapter has undergone major updates and revisions, often with addition of new co-authors. Through the collective efforts of our very able contributors, the intellectual and practical value of this new edition of Brenner and Rector's The Kidney has not only been continued but further strengthened. There are now 161 contributors to the Eighth Edition (compared to 151 in the Seventh Edition), and 73 of these 161 (over 40%) are new to this edition.

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Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Atlas of Functional Shoulder Anatomy, 2008

Functional Anatomy of the Shouldergives the shoulder surgeon a fresh look and feel for shoulder anatomy. The endless energy and the inquisitive nature that characterise Dr. Di Giacomo and his team are evident in every dissection and image in this book. His meticulous dissections and crisp photography give
the reader a clear insight into the functional anatomical relationships of this elegant piece of machinery
called the shoulder. He shows us how the stabilization and movement muscles provide power and motion
and how it is that the ligament changes, which send signals to the brain, masterfully regulate the freedom
of movement we enjoy throughout our lives with a minimal amount of pain and problems. The discerning clear photography of clean dissections gives new life to anatomical structures.

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Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing, 4 th edition 2010

This fourth edition of Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing reflects the ever-changing nature of speech-language pathology and audiology. We recognize that students in these disciplines are required to be masters of a great deal of information. As speech-language pathologists and audiologists, we not only recognize the great debt that we owe to those who have blazed a trail for us in the profession, but also recognize the awesome responsibility we have toward those within our care. In this text, we have attempted to provide you, the student, with foundational information in this developmental stage of your careers.

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Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 18th, 2012

Welcome to the 18th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.In the 62 years since the first edition of this textbook was published, virtually every area of medicine has evolved substantially and many new areas have emerged. In 1949, when the first edition appeared, peptic ulcer disease was thought to be caused by stress, nearly every tumor that was not resected resulted in death, rheumatic heart disease was widely prevalent, and hepatitis B and HIV infection were unknown. In the intervening years, both the infectious cause of and the cure for peptic ulcer disease were identified; advances in diagnosis and treatment made it possible to cure two-thirds of cancers; rheumatic heart disease virtually disappeared; atherosclerotic coronary artery disease waxed and then—at least in part through management of modifiable risk factors—began to wane; hepatitis B and its consequences, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, became preventable by a vaccine; and HIV, first viewed as a uniformly fatal worldwide scourge, became a treatable chronic disease. During this same period, the amount of information required for the effective practice of medicine grew unabated, and learning options for students, residents, and practicing physicians also burgeoned to include multiple sources of information in print and electronic formats.

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Valvular Heart Disease 4th : A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 2014

The fourth edition of Valvular Heart Disease: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease follows the format of the previous edition. The  initial  section  focuses  on  basic  principles,  epidemiology, mechanisms of disease, and diagnostic methods. This is followed by  a  second  section  covering  aortic  valve  disease  and  a  third covering mitral valve disease. The final section discusses diverse topics  including  intraoperative  echocardiography,  right-sided valve disease, endocarditis, prosthetic valves, and management of valvular heart disease during pregnancy. Among the many enhancements found in the fourth edition are the  four  new  chapters  that  open  the  basic  principles section. These include a chapter on the global epidemiology of valvular heart disease by Drs. John Chambers and Ben Bridgewater, two entirely  new  chapters  on  the  molecular  mechanisms  of  calcific valve disease by Dr. Jordan Miller, and a chapter on the clinical, cellular, and genetic risk factors for calcific valve disease by Drs. Kevin O’Brien and David Owens. Drs. Roberto Lang, Wendy Tsang, and Benjamin Freed have together written a superb new chapter on the three-dimensional anatomy of the mitral and aortic valves; this chapter includes insights gleaned from their experience with the three-dimensional imaging of these structures.

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Hurst's The Heart, Thirteenth Edition, 2011

It has been 44 years since the publication of the first edition of Hurst's the Heart, the first multidisciplinary and comprehensive textbook on cardiovascular disease. Through 13 editions, The Heart has always represented a cornerstone of current scholarship in the discipline. Cardiologists, internists, and trainees from around the world have relied on its authority, breadth of coverage, and clinical relevance to keep up to date on advances in the field and to help optimize patient care. The 13th edition of The Heart continues and actually exceeds this standard-setting tradition with 19 new chapters and 59 new authors from around the globe who are experts in their respective content areas.
Featuring an enhanced and reader-friendly design, the new edition covers need-to-know clinical advances, as well as issues that are becoming increasingly vital to cardiologists and other physicians worldwide; through the 17 thematic sections, the reader will find the most complete overview of cardiovascular topics available, plus a timely new focus on evidence based medicine, health outcomes, and health care quality. Furthermore, as important additions to previous editions, there are 1548 full-color illustrations and 578 tables with a new attractive design.

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Braunwald's Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 9th ed, 2012

Advances in cardiovascular science and practice continue at a breathtaking rate. As the knowledge base expands, it is important to adapt our learning systems to keep up with progress in our field. We are pleased to present the ninth edition of Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine as the hub of an ongoing, advanced learning system designed to provide practitioners, physicians-in-training, and students at all levels with the tools needed to keep abreast of rapidly changing scientific foundations, clinical research results, and evidence-based medical practice.

In keeping with the tradition established by the previous editions of Braunwald's Heart Disease, the ninth edition covers the breadth of cardiovascular practice, highlighting new advances and their potential to transform the established paradigms of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We have thoroughly revised this edition to keep the content vibrant, stimulating, and up-to-date. Twenty-four of the 94 chapters are entirely new, including nine chapters that cover topics not addressed in earlier editions. We have added 46 new authors, all highly accomplished and recognized in their respective disciplines. All chapters carried over from the eighth edition have been thoroughly updated and extensively revised. This edition includes nearly 2500 figures, most of which are in full color, and 600 tables. We have continued to provide updated sections on current guidelines recommendations that complement each of the appropriate individual chapters.

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Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy, 1st Edition, 2009

The LWW Atlas of Anatomy is organized regionally. However, the atlas is not simply a series of flat anatomical drawings with every structure labeled. Every aspect of the atlas, from the selection and organization of the plates, to the coloring, style, and labeling of the individual images is grounded in a teaching perspective. The organization follows a teacher's logic, in that it begins with surface anatomy and superficial features, then proceeds into deeper structures with plate groupings that support regional dissection sequences. The labels are carefully selected and placed to tell a story and direct the attention of the viewer to important relationships.

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An Atlas of Surgical Anatomy, 2005

Léon Dorn is one of the most famous medical illustrators in the world. Even today, at 80 years of age, he continues to pursue his work with the same enthusiasm. His work coincides with his great passion: the representation of the human body. Anatomy holds no secrets for him. He has spent countless hours in operating theatres, dissecting rooms and with himself; when Léon Dorn is drawing hands, he is drawing his own hands 
What is the method of Léon Dorn? Another form of this fascinating question could be: How is the genesis of a definitive drawing? The secret of Léon Dorn is based on two principles:
1. An excellent knowledge of anatomy. As Léon Dorn has worked with many surgeons from different specialties, he has indepth knowledge of the anatomy of the human body. Moreover, he has contributed to several books on anatomy. It can be said that during his entire professional life Dorn has continued to compare anatomy as described and taught in books with real-life anatomy as encountered in operating rooms and theatres.
2. The second principle issues from the first. Léon Dorn draws ‘live’. In his professional life he is permanently on the move to attend surgical operations and dissections. The vast majority of his illustrations have not been drawn from photographs or rough sketches made by surgeons but from what he has seen and observed

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Surgical Anatomy and Technique: a Pocket Manual 4th ed 2014

In this fourth edition of Surgical Anatomy and Technique: a Pocket Manual, several chapters were revised and a new chapter has been added. In the chapter on the abdominal wall and hernias, operating room strategies have been updated and techniques of historical interest only have been removed. A major addition to the chapter is a section on the anatomy and principles of component separation. The chapter on the pancreas was brought up-to-date by Drs. Harrison S. Pollinger and Marty T. Sellers with the addition of laparoscopic pancreatectomy. Any techniques that involve the use of the Harmonic Scalpel or the LigaSure have been updated to refl ect those instruments. Much credit goes to Dr. Monica A. Hum, who did a major revision of the longest chapter in this book, Colon and Anorectum. This revamp involved extensive rewriting; I am most appreciative of her thoughtful emendation

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Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Physiology Demystified

‘‘Which comes first – the chicken, or the egg?’’ This book is about the ‘‘chicken’’ –human physiologyor living bodyfunctions. (The process of laying an egg is an aspect of chicken physiology, after all!) Its close companion, ANATOMY DEMYSTIFIED, is all about the ‘‘egg’’ – human anatomy or bodystructure. (An unhatched egg is an example of anatomy.) PHYSIOLOGY DEMYSTIFIED is for people who want to get acquainted with the fundamental concepts of human body function, without having to take a formal course. But it can also serve as a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home-schooling environment. In addition, it should be useful for career changers who need to refresh their knowledge of the subject. I recommend that you start at the beginning of this book and work straight through.

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Year    : 2004

Oxford Handbook of Urology, 1st Edition

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Year   : 2006


Neurobehavioral Anatomy 3rd ed

In this, the third edition of Neurobehavioral Anatomy, the reader will immediately note several more notable changes. While still not a big book, this volume is larger than its predecessors, and the content has been substantially modified. Every chapter has been thoroughly revised to reflect new developments, and  more  depth  has  been  added  to  elaborate  on  what  was  originally  a  series of expanded lecture notes. I did not wish to restructure the organization, as I believe the original topics are all still worthy of their inclusion in the table of contents, but each chapter has been updated to discuss new knowledge that has appeared in the last several years. These advances include both data from new technologies that permit a closer look at the brain as it mediates behavior and a number of shifts in emphasis and nuance that occur as thinking in the field moves briskly along. It is, in fact, thrilling to witness the rapidly changing and vigorous  subspecialty  of  behavioral  neurology  working  with  its  collaborative disciplines to reveal with ever greater clarity the rich tapestry of brain-behavior relationships.

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Year   : 2011

Nurses! Test Yourself in Anatomy and Physiology

“Many Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) textbooks have been written, most of them are limited by the absence of a significant bank of self test material. This book fills that space by providing the student engaged in active learning opportunities to assess their learning in all the core areas of A&P. The explanatory feedback material following answers to the test questions is excellent. Now the student has a resource that actually guides them towards success. It will complement any course that includes introductory A&P. This book will be a very useful partner to any student new to the subject that is motivated to learn and do well.”

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Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Three-dimensional facial sculpting

Over the last quarter century or so, face-lifts have evolved from a skin-pulling procedure into the current form which we now refer to as ‘‘facial rejuvenation.’’ The evolution has taken us from skin lifts, where the skin was pulled and stretched not only to remove excess skin but also to shift and reposition deeper tissues, to deep procedures involving the superficial muscular aponeurotic system and periosteum for directly repositioning the deeper tissues, thereby limiting the skin portion to removal of the excess skin. Even with deep tissue repositioning and excess skin removal, a piece was still missing. Over the last decade the final piece fell into place with the realization that aging leads to loss of facial volume and that true rejuvenation was not complete, indeed not possible, without volume replacement
The book, therefore, is unique. Its purpose is to comprehensively cover the subject of sculpting faces in three-dimensions from an international perspective. It includes original works from pioneers in this field that can provide useful guidelines for all interested practitioners who wish to acquire the skills necessary to use these new tools for enhancing their own three-dimensional sculpturing of facial architecture.

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Short Stay Management of Heart Failure, 1st Edition

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The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2008 - 16th Ed

Welcome to the 2008* edition of The 5-Minute Clinical Consult. I am again honored to be a part of this highly updated resource whose mission is to assist in your care of patients. In this year's edition, you will find the time-honored features associated with this cornerstone reference. And thanks to your feedback, we have added a number of new components:
· Evidence-Based content of each chapter highlighted in the text
· Updated Health Maintenance section
Evidence-Based Health Care is the integration of the best medical information with the values of the patient and your skill as a clinician. Less harm comes to our patients if we respect the medical literature; we have improved our content and visibility of the best evidence, so you can focus on how to apply it.

The Health Maintenance recommendations included here have been updated through the end of 2006. This content is based on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and has been organized by age into one-page recommendations. This summary will allow you to find the most current recommendations to improve health and prevent disease for each population of patients. Again, your feedback resulted in the inclusion of the Centers for Disease Control's immunization tables for quick reference.

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Oxford Handbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 2nd Edition

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Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, The, 5th Edition

This book is about learning. It's about keeping simple things simple and complicated things clear, concise, and yes, simple, too. It's about getting from here to there without scaring you to death, boring you to tears, or intimidating your socks off. It's about turning ignorance into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom, and all with a bit of fun.

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Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Handbook of Patient Care in Vascular Diseases, 5th Edition

The fifth edition of the Handbook of Patient Care in Vascular Diseases inaugurates the transition from one generation of authors (Hallett, Brewster, and Darling) to the next (Rasmussen, Clouse, and Tonnessen). The change in authors recognizes the need to pass the torch to the younger men and women who will lead the care of vascular patients into the future.
The first edition of the Handbook dates to 1982, when open surgery was well established but endovascular therapy was relatively new. Basic principles of care remain the same. However, new endovascular options, proliferating cardiovascular medicines, and developing cell therapies required a reorganization of the previous Handbook.

The central purpose of the original Handbook remains unchanged: To serve as a primer of principles that optimize patient outcomes. The authors have revised every chapter and added the latest in diagnostic and treatment approaches. They provide concise and clear suggestions to every member of the care team. Both novices and more experienced practitioners, including cardiologists, radiologists, and surgeons, will find some thing in these pages to help them in their daily work.

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Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology, 1st Edition

This book is intended for medical students with an interest in primary care, residents in pediatrics and family medicine, and first-year pediatric and adult cardiology trainees. I have tried to present information in a straightforward and organized manner. Excessive detail, unnecessary for initial evaluation and management of patients, has been avoided. This book was not intended to be encyclopedic. There are several excellent encyclopedic textbooks of pediatric cardiology, and the reader should refer to these textbooks, as well as the recent medical literature, if more detailed information is needed. The book also contains very little drug dosage data. Because there may be regional differences in drug use and dosage and because these may change over time, the reader should refer to current dosage recommendations for this information

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Drug Facts and Comparisons (Pocket Version)

The Pocket Version of Drug Facts and Comparisons® (DFC) is an abridged version of the full DFC publication designed for quick reference by the health care professional. The purpose of the DFC Pocket Version is to provide an easy-to-use, concise, portable reference that can be utilized in daily practice. It is not intended to replace the complete information found in DFC; however, it provides the same reliable source of drug information.
In addition to the extensive review panel for DFC, a separate panel of drug information specialists and hospital pharmacists was established to determine which drug monographs would be most valuable to the health care professional along with the data for each drug needed most. The book is arranged therapeutically in 12 chapters in a consistent format. Single-agent monographs have been pared down to provide the essential information that a health care provider needs to aid in drug therapy decisions. Product tables that list trade names, doseforms, strengths, and manufacturers are included at the beginning of each monograph. Group monographs contain product information and dosing instructions for each of the drugs in a specific class (eg, beta blockers). Indications, administration and dosage, actions, contraindications, warnings, drug interactions, and significant adverse reactions (those occurring in at least 3% of patients) also are included for all monographs. The useful tables that are so common to DFC have, for the most part, been retained in the Pocket Version.

Appendix material (eg, Management of Overdosage, FDA Pregnancy Categories) also is available for reference. A comprehensive index helps the reader reach the desired information quickly and easily.

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Congestive Heart Failure, 3rd Edition

Congestive Heart Failure is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on all basic and clinical aspects of heart failure.

Congestive Heart Failure features up-to-date chapters on:
  • Impact and treatment of comorbidities
  • Prevention of sudden cardiac death
  • Rationale for use of anticoagulants
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Use of mechanical devices
  • Gene and cell therapy
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A Practical Guide to Cardiac Pacing, Sixth Edition

A Practical Guide to Cardiac Pacing, Sixth Edition, is written to acquaint the reader with basic pacemaker principles and terminology. We have always viewed this book as a bridge between the beginners in pacing, or general cardiologists, and the engineers involved in designing pacemakers and electrophysiologists doing advanced pacemaker work. Every effort has been made to keep the text basic and some discussions are deliberately simplified to provide a framework for understanding pacemakers.
The field of pacing is expanding so rapidly that a book this size cannot realistically be complete. In particular, the integration of the implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) with pacemakers has added enormous complexity. We have given a very brief, introductory discussion of ICDs that provides only a rudimentary introduction to implantable defibrillator technology. We do, however, hope that emphasis on some of the basic principles will be helpful.

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Taylor's 10-Minute Diagnosis Manual, 2nd ed.,

Taylor's 10-Minute Diagnosis Manual, 2nd ed., has been specifically designed to support the busy practitioner in the process of diagnosing patient problems in this environment.
The Manual is organized around common presenting symptoms, signs, and laboratory and imaging findings, and each chapter serves as a stand-alone, concise, clear, and easily read information source for the area covered. The Manual works well at the point of care and fits inside the lab coat pocket.

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size      : 1.5 Mb

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery, 3rd Edition

This, the third edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery, reflects the changes which have occurred in general surgery over the seventeen years since the first edition was published.
Firstly, we have recruited the services of two new editors, a stark contrast to the original which was written by a single author with the assistance of a Surgical Registrar.
Secondly, each chapter has been written by a Specialist Consultant or Registrar in the subject and, therefore, presents a modern, state-of-the-art treatise on each topic.

Again, each condition is covered in the original two-page format with blank pages for accompanying notes.

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Blueprints Surgery, 5th Edition

The fifth edition of Blueprints Surgery has been significantly revised. Reorganization of the Table of Contents creates a more logical flow to the chapters. Every chapter includes updates to reflect current practices in the field. A new chapter in the gastrointestinal section explores bariatric surgery. Similar to the previous edition, sample operative reports are included in an appendix. As Blueprints is used in a wider range of clinical settings, students have had the opportunity to review and comment on what additional material would be useful. In response, an increased number of figures, including radiographic studies, photographs, and drawings, integrate with the text. This fifth edition is the first to include a color insert, showing detailed depictions of surgical techniques. The Questions and Answers sections include 25% more material for USMLE Board review. Finally, suggestions for additional reading are available online, along with an additional 50 USMLE-format questions and answers for further self-study.

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Carpal Ligament Surgery

This book is the result of a re fl ection of an expert group of wrist pathology. It attempts to analyze, to understand, to explain and to make logical, if not obvious, the reflection which must accompany each practitioner in diagnosis and treatment of the carpal ligamentary lesions. This book has voluntarily left aside the degenerative carpal pathology, which usually benefits more visibility in various scientific works. 

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Knee Surgery using Computer Assisted Surgery and Robotics

This volume of Knee Surgery using Computer Assisted Surgery and Robotics shows very clearly the advantages of this tool and its usefulness in the near future. Moreover it includes a thorough range of opinions from outstanding  surgeons. 

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Operative Dictations in Orthopedic Surgery

The material presented in this book was a thirst to creating a modus operandi for a large majority of surgeries. These modus operandis will serve as guidance for our new clinicians and medical practitioners. 
We were motivated to proceed in such an endeavor to facilitate surgical procedures and minimize inquiries and confusion prior to starting surgeries. 

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Anatomy at a Glance

The study of anatomy has changed enormously in the last few decades. No longer do medical students have to spend long hours in the dissecting room searching fruitlessly for the otic ganglion or tracing the small arteries that form the anastomosis round the elbow joint. They now need to know only the basic essentials of anatomy with particular emphasis on their clinical relevance and this is a change that is long overdue. However, students still have examinations to pass and in this book the authors, a surgeon and an anatomist, have tried to provide a means of rapid revision without any frills. To this end, the book follows the standard format of the at a Glanceseries and is arranged in short, easily digested chapters, written largely in note form, with the appropriate illustrations on the facing page. Where necessary, clinical applications are included in italics and there are a number of clinical illustrations. We thus hope that this book will be helpful in revising and consolidating the knowledge that has been gained from the dissecting room and from more detailed and explanatory textbooks.

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Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery

TheIllustrated Handbook of General Surgery has been created to allow medical students and residents learning surgery to assimilate, in a rapid and succinct manner, the anatomy and operative techniques associated with the most common surgical interventions. We are proud that all of the chapters have been edited and contributed by the faculty of the University of Wisconsin. The Department of Surgery at UW is comprised of almost 80 faculty, with nationally recognized expertise in every specialty. The essence of this text is its portability as well as its conciseness. Each chapter has been constructed so that critical, but not excessive, information is conveyed. Although a more extensive understanding of anatomy and operative technique will require consultation with a traditional surgical atlas, the information conveyed in this text is portable (able to be kept in the pocket of a white coat) and sufficient to allow the student or resident to gain a basic understanding of the anatomy and technique of most surgical procedures. I am certain that you will find this text to be extraordinarily useful and anticipate that it will facilitate rapid growth of your surgical knowledge.

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Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy 4th edition

The pocket atlas is meant as a companion to lectures. It also serves as a valuable orientation tool for course work in microscopic anatomy. More than ever before, histology plays a very important role in medicine and biology. Therefore, the short instructive texts have been updated so that they incorporate the latest scientific findings. An understanding of micromorphological techniques is a prerequisite for the study of biochemistry, physiology and the relatively young discipline of molecular cell biology. Accordingly, cytology and histology rank high in the curriculum.

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Nails Diagnosis, Therapy, Surgery 3rd

We are very pleased to be able to produce a third edition of Nails. The strong positive reception of editions one and two confirms our notion that interest in nail disorders has increased at a rapidly accelerating pace. As recently as twenty years ago few texts on this subject were available. Now there are many out there! Likewise, at that time journals had infrequent articles published on nail diseases but now almost every issue of every cutaneous journal has many articles dealing with the important subject of onychology. The authors of this third edition find this very exciting. It will be noted that the number of editors has been increased to include Dr Boni Elewski, an expert on fungal diseases, Dr Philip Fleckman, to expand basic science, Dr Phoebe Rich, prominent in nails and diabetics, and Dr Antonella Tosti to provide a European insight and view point. It is our hope that healthcare givers will find this book of value in helping patients with nail problems.

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The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, 2nd Edition

The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, 2nd Edition is a unique and invaluable source of information. This collection of 535 entries provides in-depth coverage of various issues related to surgery, medical tests, diseases and conditions, hospitalization, and general health care. These entries generally follow a standard format, including a definition, purpose, demographics, description, diagnosis/preparation, aftercare, precautions, risks, side effects, interactions, morbidity and mortality rates, alternatives, normal results, questions to ask your doctor, and information about who performs the procedures and where they are performed.Topics of a more general nature related to surgical hospitalization and medical testing round out the set. Examples of this coverage include entries on Adult day care, Ambulatory surgery centers, Death and dying, Discharge from the hospital, Do not resuscitate (DNR) order, Exercise, Finding a surgeon, Hospice, Hospital services, Informed consent, Living will, Longterm care insurance, Managed care plans, Medicaid, Medicare, Patient rights, Planning a hospital stay, Power of attorney, Private insurance plans, Second opinion, Talking to the doctor, and others.

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Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Emergency War Surgery

“All the circumstances of war surgery thus do violence to civilian concepts of traumatic surgery. The equality of organizational and professional management is the first basic difference. The second is the time lag introduced by the military necessity of evacuation.The third is the necessity for constant movement of the wounded man, and the fourth — treatment by a number of different surgeons at different places instead of by a single surgeon in one place — is inherent in the third. These are all undesirable factors, and on the surface they seem to militate against good surgical care. Indeed, when the over-all circumstances of warfare are added to them, they appear to make more ideal surgical treatment impossible. Yet this was not true in the war we have just finished fighting, nor need it ever be true. Short cuts and measures of expediency are frequently necessary in military surgery, but compromises with surgical adequacy are not.”

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Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery

The objectives of this book are to explain the process of decision making, both on the part of the physician and on the part of the patient, and to discuss specific clinical problems in thoracic surgery and provide recommendations regarding their management using evidence-based methodology. Producing a text that will purportedly guide experienced, practicing surgeons in the decision-making process that they are accustomed to observe on a daily basis is a daunting task. To accomplish this it was necessary to assemble a veritable army of authors who are widely considered to be experts in their fields. They were given the unusual (to many of them) task of critically evaluating evidence on a well-defined topic and provide two opinions regarding appropriate management of their topic: one based solely on the existing evidence, and another based on their prevailing practice, clinical experience, and teaching. Most authors found this to be an excellent learning experience. It is hoped that the readers of this book will be similarly enlightened by its contents.

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Plastic Surgery Atlas Body Contouring

This atlas is directed to residents preparing for surgical cases and to seasoned plastic surgeons hoping to innovate or refresh their current surgical repertoire. We cover the scope of breast surgery, including reduction, augmentation, lifting, and gynecomastia; arm and thigh contouring with liposuction and excisional techniques; abdominoplasty, upper and lower, with hernia repair techniques; and back contouring. We have included the traditional, well-hewn techniques, as well as techniques which are increasingly finding a place in contemporary plastic surgery. Every surgeon needs to be equipped with a handful of techniques for each type of surgery, such as breast reduction or gynecomastia or thigh lift, to best serve the broad range of patient presentations we see. 

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Sabiston Textbook of Surgery 19th ed

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Practical Plastic Surgery

At first glance, it would seem that the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery is so inundated with texts that there is hardly a need for one more. First impressions, however, can be deceiving. There is a book that has been lacking—until now. Practical Plastic Surgerywas conceived to address the need for a comprehensive, compact, and concise handbook. One that is as useful in the “trenches” as it is for the In-Service exam preparation. One hundred chapters and two extremely useful appendices have been authored by most of the residents and faculty in the Division of Plastic Surgery at Northwestern University, as well as by many of our colleagues around the country. Over the course of several years this collaborative effort has evolved into an outstanding text for fellows, residents, students, and other physicians interested in the practical aspects of our field. I predict that this book will find a place close to every plastic surgery resident’s fingertips, and that its usefulness will apply to other areas of surgery as well.

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Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Echocardiography Pocket Guide: The Transthoracic Examination

Echocardiography Pocket Guide: The Transthoracic Examination presents a highly illustrated step-by-step introduction to the basics of the transthoracic examination. The typical sonographer scans the heart using his orher right hand while seated on the patient’s right. Such views are shown throughout to demonstrate the examination. Views from the patient’s left side are also presented, as many sonographers prefer scanning from this perspective.Views using the standard anatomical position, with the patient erect and facing the examiner, are included to maintain harmony with traditional anatomy education and other cardiac imaging techniques, such as computerized tomography (CT)and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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Williams Obstetrics 23rd

This 23rd edition of Williams Obstetrics arrives at a time of economic uncertainty for our country—indeed, for the world. There is especial anxiety provoked by the anticipated tumultuous reorganization of our healthcare system. We dedicate this book to those who are fair minded and who strive to bring about these changes with equanimity. We include all those who work to construct a system that is the best for all, includes those who are disadvantaged, but does not diminish the quality of healthcare for those who will ultimately finance the system—a tall order indeed. We echo the philosophy of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that all women and their unborn children should have access to obstetrical care and family planning services.

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Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine

 Although much has changed over the past decades, the concept for and the purpose of the book remain the same—to provide an all-encompassing, state-of-the-art review of dermatology and to describe the biologic basis for diseases of the skin. Although DIGMis truly encyclopedic, it has been edited with the goal of making the entire text easily readable and useful.The 280 chapters are grouped into 37 sections covering all aspects of the science and clinical care of the skin in health and disease. Fifty new contributors have participated in this edition, many of the chapters are completely new, and a large number of the others have been completely rewritten. Disorders thought to be of only historic importance, such as anthrax and variola, are now central to our twenty-first century world; they are discussed both as dermatologic diseases and as potential agents of mass destruction. Our understanding of disease and pathophysiology has led to novel therapeutic agents such as botulinum toxin, which has proven to be of value in many diverse situations. Thus, the sixth edition of Dermatology in General Medicine clearly reflects the complexities and the great potential of our age. Since complete integration of the basic and clinical sciences is the DIGMsignature, many new approaches to the biology, structure, and function of the skin are offered in detail. We have introduced a new section on evidence-based dermatology and have expanded the portion of the text dealing with dermatologic changes through the stages of life. Essentially all of the illustrative material is now in full color, and charts and diagrams have been redrawn for ease of interpretation. The therapeutic sections have all been updated to encompass the most recently introduced types of  biologic therapy. The progress that has been made in dealing with HIV infection, the scourge of our generation, is clearly described.

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